How To Use Contact Lenses
Our How To articles have helpful information for both new and long-time contact wearers. Find tips on insertion, removal and proper care to maintain eye health and clear vision.

Eye doctors answer your contact lens questions, such as whether swimming with contacts is OK and how to solve discomfort problems.

RGP Contact Lens Care: A guide to caring for RGP or GP contact lenses, oxygen permeable contacts, contacts for astigmatism, bifocal contact lenses and more.

Guide to cleaning and caring for soft contact lenses, including tips about disinfecting solutions, enzymatic cleaners and options for sensitive eyes.

Contact lens rules can be confusing. Check out this guide and learn how to properly care for your contact lenses to avoid eye infections.

Contact lenses can pose challenges in hot or cold weather. Learn how to cut your risk of dry eyes in winter and why you should drink lots of water in summertime.

Nine travel tips for contact lenses include pack a backup pair of lenses or glasses, and your prescription. Another tip? Don't wear your contacts in the water.

Learn about fungal eye infection and an outbreak of fungal keratitis linked to Bausch and Lomb's ReNu With MoistureLoc contact lens solution.

How long can you wear daily contacts? It varies from 8 to 16 hours. Find out why your eye health and if you suffer from dry eyes may affect the answer.

Throwing contact lenses down the toilet or in the trash is bad, but recycling contact lenses takes some effort on your part. See how you can recycle your old lenses.

Removing contacts with long nails may be more difficult, but it can be done. Here are 3 ways to take out contacts with acrylics or long nails.

Is swimming with contacts OK? Learn how water affects your contact lenses and other options for seeing underwater.

Learn how to read your contact lens prescription and whether you are legally entitled to a copy of your prescription for contacts.

Contact lenses expire and carry an expiration date to protect consumers. Read why.

How do you know when you need new contacts? Signs include you’re having difficulty seeing, don’t feel quite as comfortable or experiencing symptoms of dry eye.
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