Swollen Eyelids
Swollen eyelids are a common symptom for many eye issues. Find out about possible causes and treatments for relief and better eye health.

Answers to common questions about swollen eyelids and inflammation of the upper eyelid.

What causes swollen eyelids? There are numerous causes of swollen eyelids — ranging from mild to potentially sight-threatening conditions.

Learn about the many causes of itchy eyelids. Find out whether your eyelid itch can be treated at home or needs to be treated by a doctor.

Why is my eye swollen? A swollen eyelid occurs when there is inflammation or excess fluid (edema) in the connective tissues surrounding the eye.

How can you get rid of your swollen eyelids? Treatment of swollen eyelids depends on the underlying cause. Minor bouts can be eased with home remedies.

Mild cases of swollen eyes may benefit from home remedies such as cool compresses and tea bags, among many other treatments.

If your toddler’s eyes are swollen, it’s important to assess if the child is in need of medical attention or if home remedies will suffice.

Need a quick remedy for swollen eyelids? Learn fast, easy tips on how to reduce eyelid swelling and when to see a doctor.
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