Eye Discharge
Is your eye discharge normal or a sign of a medical condition? Understand more about its potential causes and how to tell if it's time to visit an eye doctor.

Eye boogers are nothing to be ashamed of, and in most cases, are just a sign that your body is doing its job to keep your eyes lubricated and free of debris, dryness and infection.

Goopy eyes can be a sign of stye, pink eye or another eye infection; treatment is determined based on the underlying cause.

What is eye discharge and why do you wake up with sleep in your eyes? Learn about the causes and treatment of eye discharge.

Sticky eyes can be alarming, but they are usually treatable and sometimes go away on their own. Learn more about the possible causes and treatment of sticky eyes.

Eye discharge in infants and toddlers is normal and can usually be treated at home. However, some cases may require antibiotics.

A change in the color or consistency of eye discharge may be a sign of infection and should be assessed by an eye doctor.
All About Vision and AllAboutVision.com are registered trademarks of AAV Media, LLC. © 2000-2024 AAV Media, LLC. The content on this site is for informational purposes only. All About Vision does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Contact an eye doctor if you need medical attention.