Eye Floaters
Eye floaters may be more common than you think, but what are they? Find out what causes them and when they are and aren't reason for concern.

Learn why floaters are commonly seen after eye surgery and which procedures can provide relief.

Most floaters are harmless and go away without treatment, but they can be a symptom of an underlying condition.

Answers to frequently asked questions about eye floaters and eye flashes.

Some natural treatments for floaters may help decrease your awareness of them, but often just choosing to ignore floaters is equally effective.

Eye floaters are annoying specs and shapes that drift in front of your eyes. Learn what causes floaters and eye flashes — and how to get rid of them.

Effective treatment for eye floaters includes surgery and laser therapy. Find out how to get relief.

Seeing spots or eye floaters can look different to different people, from varying shapes and shades to wiggly or wavy lines to small black spots in your vision.