What does astigmatism look like? Astigmatism is a very common refractive error that causes blurry vision. Learn about what causes it and how corrective lenses can help.

Astigmatism is a condition that causes blurry, fuzzy or distorted vision at any distance. It is caused by imperfections in the curvature of the cornea or the lens (or both).

Do eye exercises cure astigmatism? Get the facts about astigmatism eye exercises and find out if they can help you.

What is astigmatism? Find answers to your questions — from what astigmatism actually is to how to read those confusing lens prescriptions.

Information for parents about pediatric astigmatism, including causes, symptoms and what it means for your child's vision.

Astigmatism is caused by a misshapen cornea or lens, which makes it difficult for the eye to focus light. This can cause squinting to focus or reduce glare perceived from light sources.

Is there an accurate astigmatism test that you can use online or at home? Learn all about astigmatism testing.

Astigmatism is easily treatable. Vision can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses or laser surgery like LASIK.
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