Infections and Allergies
Are your eye symptoms due to allergies, infection or something else? Learn about some of the causes for inflamed eyes, plus information on care, prevention and when you may be contagious.

Anterior uveitis, or iritis, is inflammation of the iris (the colored part of the eye) and the anterior (front) portion of the ciliary body.

Some bug bites or stings on or around the eye can be harmless, but some can lead to infection or serious harm.

Canaliculitis is an uncommon inflammation or infection of the tear duct or canal that is frequently misdiagnosed as other eye conditions.

Chemosis is a swelling of the thin membrane that covers the eye. Learn about the symptoms and causes of chemosis, as well as how it’s treated.

Endophthalmitis is severe inflammation inside the eye that usually occurs after surgery, injury or an injection. It’s a medical emergency that can result in vision loss.

Suffering from eye allergies? Symptoms of eye allergies include itchy eyes, watery eyes, red eyes & puffy eyes. Discover treatments for seasonal eye allergies.

Learn what causes eye infections, which symptoms to watch for, and the different methods of infection treatment.

An eyelid bump is any lump or protrusion affecting the normal contour of the lid surface or margin. Examples of eyelid bumps include stye, hordeolum and chalazion.

Eyelid dermatitis (eyelid eczema) can cause red, dry, itchy skin on and around the eyelids. Learn its types, causes and treatments.

An eyelid infection occurs when a gland along the lash line becomes clogged or irritated. In most cases, eyelid infections are caused by bacteria.

Iridocyclitis is a type of ocular inflammation that affects the anterior portion of the eye and can cause eye pain and light sensitivity, and may lead to vision loss if untreated.

Iritis is inflammation of the iris, inside the eye that surrounds the pupil and gives the color. Learn the essentials, including causes, symptoms and treatment.

Eye herpes (also called ocular herpes) is a common viral eye infection. Learn symptoms, causes and treatment.

Ocular syphilis: What to know about causes, symptoms, treatment and how this condition can mimic other medical eye conditions.

Onchocerciasis (river blindness) is an infection, transmitted by blackflies infected with a parasitic worm, that affects the eyes and skin.

Poison ivy can cause a painful rash in and around your eyes that should eventually heal without harming your vision. Sometimes, poison ivy can even cause your eyes to swell shut.

A staph infection can occur when the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria enters the eye. Various types of eye infections may develop due to staph bacteria.

Toxocariasis is an infection caused by roundworms that is passed from animals to humans. Learn about the risks, treatment options and tips for prevention.

Trachoma is a serious bacterial eye infection that can cause eye irritation, eyelid scarring and vision issues. Left untreated, trachoma can lead to blindness.

We explain the 4 main types of uveitis and the many systemic disorders, such as Lyme disease, that can cause it; also learn about symptoms and treatments.

Gut health can affect your mood, your sleep and your weight. Did you know it also affects the eyes? Here's how good gut health can help protect your vision.
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