Drugs and Medications
It can feel difficult to get reliable information about health care. Find the answers you need about the latest drugs and medications for various eye condtions.

Cycloplegic and mydriatic eye drops are used to dilate pupils and relax the focusing muscles in the eye.

Eye drops for dry eyes are often the first line of defense against the symptoms of dry eye. Learn about the best OTC and prescription eye drops for dry eyes.

Erythromycin eye ointment is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial eye infections and prevent certain eye infections in newborn babies.

Did you know that prescription eye drop caps are color coded? Here's what those eye drop caps mean and how the colors help eye doctors and patients.

VUITY eye drops can temporarily correct presbyopia-related blurry near vision. Learn about how they work and where to buy them.

Lucentis has been FDA-approved for treating macular degeneration, but some eye doctors say Avastin may be an equally effective and much cheaper alternative.

Cataract eye drops haven't been approved by the FDA, but there's promising research underway. Learn which medications could soon help treat cataracts.

Ophthalmic ointment is any topical ointment used for treating eye conditions, including styes, infections and dry eye syndrome.

Ophthalmic solution is a topical eye medication in liquid drop form. It can treat conditions such as dry eye syndrome, corneal ulcers and infections.

Did your eye doctor prescribe prednisolone eye drops? Here's a guide to this common eye medication, what it's used for, dosage and side effects.

Eye drops may soon be used to temporarily relieve the visual symptoms of presbyopia, or age-related farsightedness.

If you have presbyopia, consider eye surgery to reduce or eliminate your need for reading glasses.

Upneeq is an eyedrop used to treat acquired ptosis or drooping of the upper eyelid. Learn more about this nonsurgical treatment option.

Discover the benefits of autologous serum eye drops (serum tears) for treating severe dry eye conditions, and learn how serum eye drops are made.

Avastin is a prescription injection that treats an eye disorder called wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD), as well as diabetic and other eye conditions.

Eylea injections treat wet age-related macular degeneration and other eye conditions that cause vision loss. Learn more about this FDA-approved medication.

Why does your eye doctor want to know medications you're taking? Certain medications cause eye problems, so you should bring a complete list you’re taking or have taken.
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