Coverage and Benefits
The biggest benefit of vision insurance is it covers or cuts the cost of eye exams and medical eye care. Learn more about the benefits of Vision Insurance.

Buying eyeglasses or contacts online with vision insurance? Learn which online eyewear retailers accept your vision insurance or provide reimbursement payments.

Wondering if all eye doctors take vision insurance? All About Vision reviews the types of eye doctors who take vision insurance and the types that take medical insurance.

Checking your employer's or individual plan vision insurance benefits usually can be done easily by visiting the website address listed on your insurance card.

Learn how to determine what kind of vision insurance plan you have, and how to use vision benefits.

Can you buy insurance for sunglasses? Explore All About Vision's article on sunglasses insurance for designer sunglasses, if they’re lost, stolen or damaged.

The vision experts at All About Vision answer the question,

Is vision insurance worth it if you don't wear glasses? Learn about vision insurance coverage options and why it's a good idea to buy it.

Eyewear retailers like LensCrafters, Pearle Vision, Target Optical and more accept vision insurance. It’s just a matter of whether they accept your plan.

Searching for vision insurance for kids? All About Vision's article answers the most common questions about vision insurance for kids, key providers, and more.

Before your eye exam, know what is covered by your vision insurance. Here is a summary of eye care products and services commonly covered by insurance.

Vision insurance defined, including information about vision insurance cost and plan types.
All About Vision and AllAboutVision.com are registered trademarks of AAV Media, LLC. © 2000-2024 AAV Media, LLC. The content on this site is for informational purposes only. All About Vision does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Contact an eye doctor if you need medical attention.