Eye Injuries
How can you protect your eyes from harm? We have everything you need to know about common eye injuries, including when home treatment is okay vs. when you need emergency care.

Find out what causes a black eye, what you can do to get rid of them at home, and when you need to see a doctor.

If you get bleach in your eye, flush your eye with water and seek medical care immediately. Bleach is corrosive and will seriously damage eye tissues.

A chemical eye burn requires fast action. Here’s what to do if you get sunscreen, household cleaner, battery acid or another chemical in your eye.

Keep your eyes safe by exploring the most common eye injuries and ways to avoid them.

Do you have a corneal abrasion? Learn the symptoms of a scratched cornea or scratched eye and the best treatments from the medical experts at All About Vision.

These 7 kinds of injuries, conditions and infections can cause permanent vision loss or blindness if you don’t see an eye doctor immediately

Shining a flashlight in your eyes should not cause damage, but other types of light can harm your eyes and lead to serious vision problems.

Hand sanitizer contains harmful chemicals that can cause severe damage to the eye if not flushed out promptly and properly.

Don’t use milk to relieve jalapeño pepper-related eye pain. Instead, rinse the eyes with sterile solution and use artificial tears to soothe the pain.

Retinal tears should be addressed immediately by an eye doctor. Here’s how to spot the symptoms of a retinal tear.

Solar retinopathy is sun-related damage (similar to an intense sunburn of the skin) to the macula, which is the most sensitive portion of the retina of the eye.
All About Vision and AllAboutVision.com are registered trademarks of AAV Media, LLC. © 2000-2024 AAV Media, LLC. The content on this site is for informational purposes only. All About Vision does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Contact an eye doctor if you need medical attention.