Contact Lenses: Fit and Comfort
Proper fit and care are key to clear vision and comfortable wear with contact lenses. Learn how contacts are fitted, how to relieve discomfort, how long it's safe to wear them and more.

Wearing contact lenses can damage your eyes if you are careless. Follow these tips from an eye doctor.

How to solve contact lens discomfort caused by allergies, computer use, dry eyes, using the wrong solutions and other reasons.

Don’t worry. It’s impossible to lose a contact lens in your eye. Check out these tips for getting your contact out painlessly.

Find out how to remove a contact lens that’s stuck in your eye — whether it’s a soft contact lens or a hard (GP) contact lens.

Are your contact lenses uncomfortable? Dr. Gary Heiting explains the remedies that eye doctors prescribe when contacts don't feel good.

Contact lenses for people with astigmatism, dry eyes, presbyopia, giant papillary conjunctivitis(GPC), keratoconus or post-LASIK problems.

Even children can put in contacts easily, says a recent study. Here is advice on putting in contacts.

Here are 4 ways to tell if your contact lenses are inside out, inverted or flipped over, or if they are on your eyes correctly.

How many hours a day should you wear contact lenses? The amount of time you can wear contacts depends on the type of contacts (daily or extended) and if you have any vision issues, such as dry eyes or sensitivity.

What happens if you cry while wearing your contact lenses? You could experience blurry vision temporarily. Just don’t touch or rub your eyes while crying.

Which contacts are right for you depends on your lifestyle, your budget, whether you want to sleep in them, and more. Read on.
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