
Myopia diagnosis video

Myopia diagnosis video transcript

Vision problems like myopia are diagnosed with a comprehensive eye exam. The exam can be performed by an optometrist or an ophthalmologist. 

Unlike a school nurse or your family doctor, eye doctors have specialized tools and training that help them spot vision and eye problems more effectively. 

Children should have their first eye exam at six months old, then again at age three, and again before the start of first grade. These exams are important for a child’s academic success, as 80% of what we learn comes from our vision.

During an eye exam for an infant, the eye doctor will test things like pupil response, whether the eyes are aligned and work together, and the child’s ability to focus on an object and follow it as it moves. 

A young child who can't recognize letters yet will be tested using a similar eye chart as adults. But rather than being asked to read different letters, the child will be asked to identify various symbols and shapes, like an apple, a square and a house.

During an eye exam, eye doctors will check the health of your child’s eyes using a specialized instrument that looks at the outside and inside of the eyes. This is done under high magnification and with a bright light.

If no vision or eye health issues are detected during the exam, your child can have their next routine eye exam in two years. If they wear glasses or contact lenses, or have other eye conditions, they should have an eye exam every 12 months, or as directed by their eye doctor.

Visit AllAboutVision.com/myopia to learn more about children’s eye exams.

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