Page published on Friday, October 18, 2019

Tom Mangan, contributing writer
About: Tom Mangan is a veteran freelance writer with more than 20 years of newspaper journalism experience. Though most of Mangan's clients are in the B2B technology sector these days, he brings a wealth of personal insight to All About Vision.
A congenital birth defect gave Mangan low vision in one eye and poor eye protection in the other. The low-vision eye has a rare defect called a coloboma that provides a field of vision but does not allow sharp visual focus.
The other eye has conventional nearsightedness but still has issues thanks to a facial-nerve defect. The eyelids on this eye do not close fully, causing dryness and sensitivity to bright lights.
None of this slows Mangan down. He enjoys eight-mile hikes in the mountains of North Carolina, always wearing his sunglasses with polarized, polycarbonate lenses for extra eye protection.
Mangan’s low-vision eye prevents him from seeing 3-D effects in movies, video games and TV shows. He is eternally grateful.
All About Vision articles by Tom Mangan
Wayfarer sunglasses history: From WWII to Hollywood to now
Men’s eyeglasses: Tips to find the perfect pair
Aviator sunglasses: How do you wear them?
The ultimate Ray-Ban Wayfarer guide
How should your Aviator sunglasses fit?
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