stye symptoms

stye symptoms

Video: What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Myopia?

Learn to recognize signs of myopia in your child, like sitting too close to the TV, squinting to focus, and rubbing their eyes.

Is my child at risk?

Take this short quiz to find out if your child could have undiagnosed myopia.

Get Started

青少年的眼鏡鏡框:5 個購買訣竅

5 個訣竅讓您選購與您的顏色和臉型互補、適合您、與您的生活方式和處方相匹配,且品質優良的完美鏡框。


Gary Heiting 醫師解釋視力檢查的費用、檢查眼睛的頻率(根據您的年齡和其他因素)以及如何準備視力檢查。

電腦和數位眼睛疲勞:10 個緩解步驟

您出現電腦眼睛疲勞嗎? 閱讀有關避免在電腦前工作時造成眼睛疲勞的 10 大訣竅。

